Environmental Informatics

Track: Environmental Informatics

© Tara Winstead – Pexels

Innovative ways in which information technology can contribute to the understanding, management, and preservation of our environment. As the world faces escalating environmental challenges, the integration of informatics has become crucial for developing sustainable solutions.

  • Sub-Track 1
  • - Remote sensing and image analysis for environmental monitoring

    - Data fusion and integration for environmental data analysis

    - AI and ML for climate change modeling and prediction

    - Natural language processing (NLP) for analyzing environmental policies and reports

    - Optimization techniques for sustainable resource management

    - AI and ML for biodiversity conservation and habitat protection

    - Smart sensors and IoT devices for environmental data collection

    - Blockchain and AI for enhancing transparency and accountability in environmental initiatives

    - Case studies and real-world applications of AI and ML in environmental sustainability

    - Citizen Science Integration

    - AI-Driven Data Analysis

    - Crowdsourced Data Annotation and Validation

    - Ethical Considerations in Collaborative Monitoring

    - Innovations in Data Visualization

  • Sub-Track 2
  • - Smart Manufacturing and Sustainable Practices

    - Environmental Monitoring in Industrial Settings

    - Digital Twins for Environmental Impact Assessment

    - Energy Efficiency and green Computing

    - Circular Economy and Supply Chain Sustainability

    - Data-Driven Environmental Compliance

    - Sustainable Innovation and Technological Adoption

    - Environmental Informatics for Waste Management

    - Life Cycle Assessment and Environmental Foot

  • Sub-Track 3
  • - Sustainable Business Intelligence Strategies

    - Environmental Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Dashboards

    - Decision Support Systems for Sustainable Investments

    - Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Analytics

    - green Analytics for Compliance Management

    - Supply Chain Transparency and green Procurement

    - Carbon Accounting and Emission Tracking

    - Predictive Analytics for Environmental Impact Assessment

    - Data-driven Sustainability Reporting

    EnviroInfo 2024 is sponsored by:

    disy logo sustain logo guc logo metro control logo

    The event will be organized in close cooperation with the Technical Committee of Environmental Informatics of the German Informatics Society.

    GI society logo fachausschuss umweltinformatik logo